Home security checklist before leaving your home

Posted July 16th, 2022 by SimpliSafe

Ensure your home's safety with our security checklist. Learn essential measures to protect your property and gain peace of mind every time you leave.

Home security checklist before leaving your home

It's important to take a proactive approach to home security every time you leave the house and one way to do this is with a home security checklist. Whether you’re stepping out for a few hours or leaving for an extended period, a well-structured home security checklist can provide peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken all necessary precautions to protect your home and loved ones. 

Keep reading as we explore why a home security checklist is vital, and delve into specific measures you can take to keep your home and family secure - before heading out the door. 

Why is a home security checklist important?

A home security checklist is important because it allows you to systematically identify and address potential vulnerabilities in and around your home - helping you enhance safety and prevent your home being broken into whilst you’re away. Additionally, having a checklist fosters a proactive approach to your home security, encouraging you to create a routine that helps protect your home every time you leave. 

Interior home security measures

1. Set your alarms and security systems

Your home security system is one of your best defences when it comes to protecting your home when you’re out. A standard home security system may consist of an outdoor security alarm and a keypad for alarming, however, we recommend expanding your system to include additional sensors and detectors. This could include motion sensors, entry sensors, and glassbreak sensors

Whatever features you have in your home security system, make sure to arm them all before stepping foot outside the house - including checking that all sensors are working perfectly. You can even schedule your alarms. In the unfortunate event that someone attempts to break into your home whilst you're away, this is one of the best ways to protect it. 

2. Turn on your indoor cameras

Whether you want to prevent pet theft, or just need a little extra reassurance that you know exactly what's going on in your home whilst you're away, indoor cameras are the answer. 

Make sure to turn your indoor camera on and double check your angles and stream before you head out, so that you can rest assured that everything at home is how it should be. You can also subscribe to a 24/7 professional monitoring service, which provides instant alarm response and visual monitoring through your cameras, should your home security system be triggered when you’re away. 

3. Programme your smart home devices

Smart home devices are such a popular addition to many homes, but did you know that they can help protect it too? Utility smart plugs for electronics, to ensure everything is turned off before heading out for the day, and invest in high quality temperature sensors and water sensors, so that you can be alerted to prevent frozen pipes or water damage immediately - before they cause any devastating damage to your home. 

Before leaving, make sure that all your smart home devices are working properly, are plugged in or have ample battery power for whilst you’re away, and are successfully connected to your mobile phone apps or online accounts. 

4. Hide your valuables

This should be a given before heading out, but leaving your valuables on show is almost asking for a burglar to break into your home. Make sure to hide all your valuables, out of sight from windows and letterboxes, in places no one would think to search. 

Make sure you keep an up-to-date inventory of all valuable items, with serial numbers, in case of an emergency. This inventory will be your lifeline in reporting stolen items to your insurance provider, should your home be broken into.

Exterior security measures

5. Turn on your outdoor cameras 

Outdoor CCTV isn’t just for businesses and banks - it’s a fantastic addition to your home security system. From wireless outdoor cameras to video doorbells, you can protect the exterior of your home from all angles with outdoor CCTV, deterring burglars or catching them in the act. We suggest installing outdoor cameras around your front and back doors, driveway, garden and the side of your house. 

Like with indoor cameras, before leaving, make sure you have turned your cameras on and double checked both your angles and your live stream. This way, you can rest assured that everything is working exactly as it should. Your 24/7 professional monitoring service, which provides visual monitoring through your cameras, will also keep an eye on your home whilst you’re away. 

6. Set your outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting is a brilliant security measure to have for your home - especially if you’re staying away overnight. Putting the spotlight on wannabe criminals, even the sight of outdoor lighting can be a surefire way to put off burglars from coming anywhere near your home. It’s helpful to scatter these all around the exterior of your home (as long as it doesn’t keep you and your neighbours up all night). 

Before you leave, make sure that all your outdoor garden lights and porch lights are functioning properly - especially if they’re solar powered and/or connected to motion sensors. You may need to do this the night before, if your lights only work in the dark. 

7. Tidy your garden

Gardens can be a burglar's best friend when trying to break into a home, as it’s almost ingenious how they can use any left-out tool or piece of furniture to gain entry into a property. Gardens also provide plenty of things to steal. 

Make sure that before you head out, you’ve tidied everything away in your garden and locked it away securely in your shed or garage. This includes: tools, ladders, BBQs, loose garden furniture, toys and bikes. Ensure nothing is left behind to be stolen or as a means to get into your home.

Secure your entry points

8. Lock all doors  

Now this should be a given, but locking your doors is so incredibly important to do before leaving your home. You’d be surprised how many burglars are creeping around to see if you do, or will try doors of homes they know are empty. 

Whilst your front door is typically last, make sure to do a run around of all entry point doors in your home before heading out, including your back door, shed and garage doors. Apply deadbolts, chains and padlocks where possible, and consider installing entry sensors for extra security. 

9. Lock all windows

Too often we forget that we’ve even opened a window, especially during the summer months where we’re doing everything to try and keep our homes cool. However, open windows can be an invitation for burglars. This is especially important in ground floor flats and bungalows. 

As you’re getting ready to leave, take a trip around every room in the house, ensuring all windows are locked and secure. This might also be the opportune moment to shut windows and blinds too. 

If you have keys to lock your windows, this is even better. For extra security though, we recommend installing glassbreak and entry sensors onto your windows - so that you can be alerted to any potential break-ins. 

10. Lock your gates and secure your fences

Gates and fences are entry points to your home, too! Before heading out, make sure that all your gates are securely locked - not just deadbolted, with padlocks and/or chains - as well as checking that there are no vulnerabilities in your garden fences. 

For extra security, why not install security spikes or other anti-climb measures to your gates and fences? The sight of these, or even just signs indicating to them, are often enough to help prevent burglars from climbing your walls, fences and gates. 

Plan for whilst you’re away

11. Organise your mail and deliveries

Unattended mail and packages on your doorstep are not only a telltale sign that you’re not in, but they’re almost asking to be stolen by an opportunistic passerby. 

If you’re only heading out for the day, it’s best to put a hold on any mail or package deliveries. However, if you’re going to be away for an extended period of time, we suggest asking your neighbours to take your parcels or having them redirected to a close family member or friend. 

12. Ask your neighbours to keep an eye on your home

When leaving your home, whether it’s for the day or week, it’s always good to know that you have someone checking in on your home. The best person to ask would be a trusted neighbour - someone who can visibly see your home all the time - rather than a friend or family member just popping by. Make sure to share your contact information with your neighbour, in case of an emergency, and if you trust them enough to do so, you can provide a spare key and an extra PIN on your home security system so that they can let themselves in. 

We also recommend joining your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Neighbourhood Watch brings your community together to deter crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area. 

13. Make your home look occupied

Any empty home can be a target for burglars, as they think they’re less likely to get caught breaking into your house. When you’re leaving your home, you want to leave it looking like somebody is still in. This could be like ensuring no mail is left on your doorstep, putting your lights on timers, and leaving a radio on. 

Before leaving, make sure all of these plans are set in place, and that your smart plugs or automatic timers are working as they should. 

14. Avoid posting on social media 

Social media is a great place to share all your favourite memories with your friends and family, however, when it isn’t locked down to just those specific people, it poses a risk to your home security. Burglars may use social media to scope out empty homes to break into. 

We recommend avoiding posting any travel plans or daily updates on social media until after the fact - ensuring that nobody other than your trusted circle knows where you are and that your home is unoccupied, even if it’s just for the day. You should also consider securing your social media, by only befriending people you know and keeping your account private.

Interested in a home security system to protect your property when you’re away or want to add more items to your SimpliSafe? Get in touch with our expert team today. You can also visit the SimpliSafe blog for more home security tips, such ashome security and safety during a power cut.